As the mother of 2 girls (13 & 2 1/2) and pregnant with my third, I often feel like a Ringmaster at a circus. Between running a business, basketball games, practices, school projects, picky eaters, potty training, PTA’s, Fund-raising tantrums (for both) and a pile of laundry that never ends- it would make anyone crazy… now imagine being pregnant!! Welcome to my world 
With my first two pregnancies I worked several hours a week like I do now, but I didn’t have such craziness to come home to. Some tell me, “it must be nice to have an older one to help” and sometimes it is… but she has her own needs. During my first trimester it was all I could do to keep my eyes open! So here are some tips for keeping it together if you are mom like me.
Have a plan:
This is key for any sort of sanity! Every Sunday I compose a list of what is going on that week in my iPhone. Games, practices, meetings, etc. I make sure pick-up and drop-off for the girls school is accounted for, what meals I plan to make so I can shop accordingly, keep small spaces open in between in case of emergency or change of plans. In my first trimester I was really careful with this.. I knew mornings were more difficult with feeling sick so I didn’t overload myself. Afternoons my two year old naps or has quiet time for a couple of hours so here I didn’t schedule anything and shut the phone off. Now that I am feeling infinitely better in my second I use this time for quiet projects at home.
I over-commit myself all the time, but honestly I couldn’t do any of these things without help! Do not be afraid to delegate where you can to trusted people. My husband, mother-in-law, oldest daughter and friends are always there for me! If I cannot get one of them to school in the morning because I have a meeting my husband is always there to help. If I need someone to watch my two year old in a pinch I have my mother-in-law or friends to call on. My oldest (when pushed hard enough) will do the dishes, run a load of laundry (even fold it) and give the little one a bath. My husband is not a chef but is fully capable of making mac n’ cheese or ordering a pizza. Which brings me to my next tip-
Stop Worrying:
If every meal is not the most nutritionist or home-cooked, let it go… If your house is not as pristine as it once was in the pre-baby days, let it go! A little extra sleep, rest and time with your family is far more important. I am a neat-freak but have had to relax this, some days I just do not have the physical energy to shower let alone clean. Wherever you can sneak in a quick rest with your feet up when pregnant.. DO IT! We all hear how bad TV is for our kids, but every now and then it is okay to pop in a movie or turn on Mickey Mouse so you both can zone out.
Drink plenty of water, eat lots of fruits and veggies for energy. Protein is wonderful to fight off morning sickness and the Naked protein shakes are great on the go! Keep snacks on hand for yourself and toddler. Go for walks, and try your best to implements prenatel yoga for relaxation, stretching and energy. Lastly, remember- do what you can, when you can… in the end it will all work out!
Stephanie Antoinette