
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Back pain & when it might be serious!

One of the common complaints for women during that last trimester is back pain. Weight gain, muscle separation, stress and posture changes are all contributing factors. The sciatic nerve is typically the main source of pain, and often there is no comfortable position to be in. Sleep because increasingly difficult, as well as getting around in general. 

So when does it become serious? Let me start off by telling you that anytime your quality of life is being affected it may be time to speak up and be an advocate for yourself. If you had back pain or issues before getting pregnant this also should be a red flag that something is not right. Talk to your OB and if need be, consult an orthopedic surgeon.

Here is my story...

When I was 17 I was in a pretty nasty car accident and was left with a bulging disc in the L4/L5 area. I was told at the time that this was a degenerative disease that could get progressively worse over time. I was instructed to do my best to keep fit and strengthen my leg and abdominal muscles to support my lower back. So with my first pregnancy there was a little more back pain then I imagine the average woman might go through. However with my second, things were much worse. 

I was well into my second trimester when the sciatica was flaring up... numbness in the legs, pain in the lower back and many sleepless nights. I did my best to walk, stretch and do prenatal yoga- but in the end we believe that may have made things worse. I was in the middle of doing yoga when a pain in my back surged through my body so bad that it made me physically ill and I nearly fell to the floor! For days I couldn't even walk. Once I could finally get up I decided to go see a chiropractor, my second mistake according to my orthopedic surgeon. No relief was provided when seeing the chiropractor, but he did turn me on to Biofreeze and icing which helped some.   

My OB kept telling me that this was most likely just the pregnancy and that once the weight came off I would get better... this was not the case. Once I had my daughter the pain seemed to get worse so that is when I went to see specialists. The bulging disc had actually herniated, and the framework around it was collapsing so to speak. I was beyond the help of Physical Therapy so we tried pain management. By the time my daughter was 5 months old I could barely walk. I was in such horrific pain that I couldn't even carry the diaper bag or car seat. Mornings were the worst; my bones and muscles surged with pain and ached to the core. I was on enough pain medication to kill a small animal- and my quality of life was affected greatly.

So in May 2011, 9 months after giving birth I underwent a bone fusion surgery, I was terrified to say the least. It was a 4-hour surgery that would leave me on bed rest for at least two weeks. I wasn't allowed to hold my baby for the first 6-8 weeks and it was long summer of rehabilitation. The worst of it all is that there was no guarantee this would fix the problem, but for me there was no other choice.

Things seemed to be getting better after several months, but then quickly started to deteriorate again. I still have little sensation in my left leg. I can only sit, walk and stand for short periods of time and there is still a great deal of pain. Sleeping is still very difficult for me, only and hour or so at time and then I need to get up to move my joints. We have monitored the fusion closely and as of 3 months ago the fusion had begun but was wafer thin. 

I write this for the same reason I wrote the article on my breast-feeding experience.  Be your own advocate!!! If something is not feeling right, be persistent until someone listens- meanwhile listen to your own body. I am not saying to avoid physical activity when pregnant, matter of fact motion helps keep things loose. Just be careful if you are experiencing pain, and have a specialist take a look before a chiropractor does! 

When the flare-ups are bad, try ice or heat for 20 minutes every 40 minutes or so. Biofreeze was great at penetrating to the muscles as well so get a tube of that from your local pharmacy. Keep feet elevated when possible, do yoga with a certified instructor when pregnant. Your center of gravity is off; your muscles are completely separated so play it safe! Swimming is really the best form of exercise in the third trimester! Low-impact and takes the weight of your joints and lower back. If pain is radiating down your legs, preventing you from doing any activity or you are experiencing numbness and tingling then it is time to call a doctor! 

J'aime la vie by Victoria Antoinette

Stephanie Antoinette
Founder & M.O.M. (Master of Multitasking) 

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