
Friday, October 12, 2012

More 'Must-Haves' for the pregnant mama!!

So I touched on a few of my favorite 'Must-Haves', but here are just a few more.

A good pair of leggings can go a long way, you can pair this with a nice blouse to dress it up- or a comfy knit top for a more casual look. I had the same kind in a few different colors and wore them all the time!!

Here is what I had, I went with the crop leggings but you can go for full length as well!

Secret Fit Belly® Jersey Knit Maternity Crop Leggings

Pregnancy body pillow, if you are pregnant and do not have one of these you are missing out! During the last trimester it becomes incredibly difficult to get comfortable. It is recommended that you sleep on your left side, and having a body pillow can really help with getting a good night sleep (again if only you didn't have to get up to use the bathroom 20 times). When I was pregnant with Ella, I had extreme back pain. I am not referring to the normal pregnancy back pain due to weight gain, I actually had a bulging disc that herniated and was pushing against nerves. It wasn't until after I had her that I realized how bad my situation was and when she was 9 months old I had to have surgery. So for me, if I could sleep for 30- 45 minutes at a time without having to shift, it was a miracle! This pillow was my saving grace and worth every penny!!

The Snoozer Full Body Pillow- $60 at Motherhood Maternity 

Since it is not recommended you take any sort aspirin or pain relievers during pregnancy, I sought out some other products to help with the immense back and leg pain I had. I tried several different kinds, some that really smelled, others that left my skin burning. In the end I did find one that worked really well, I highly recommend it. Biofreeze- Get a tube, it is inexpensive and sold at most all pharmacies, Target and Wal-Mart if you are feeling brave! 

I had talked about "Belly Bars" in my last blog, but I wanted to go into a bit more detail on that. This all-natural bar is full of folic acid, omega 3's and iron. It is sold at Whole Foods and I have seen them at Motherhood Maternity (boy do I plug them a lot ha). Anyhow, the nausea in the first trimester really does a number on me! I can barely keep the prenatal vitamins down, so I would take them at night. With Ella, the only thing I could stomach was fresh fruit, nuts and bread... until the end when I had an obsession with chilidogs and guacamole. The Belly Bars were a great way to get some goodness in me, and they tasted really good! 

I encourage any feedback, and let me know what some of your favorites are!!

Stephanie Antoinette 

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